Gordon Korman
author has made quite an impression in our classroom this year. Kids are reading his books and LOVED the Scholastic
delivery made last week. This is what
happens when you buy books from book orders!
I have the chance to buy books they LOVE for our classroom library. I bought a stack of his books and they flew
off the shelves the moment they were checked in and ready to be added to the library. He’s got a great sense of humor and his books
are really entertaining. I’ve read
several and am a huge fan. I’ve
recommended several of his books to your kids and if they request these books,
it’s my fault! J He often has books in the book orders (a
collection is currently available and the price is right too!). A club has been started too…The Gordan Korman
FAN CLUB is comprised of several kids (and me!) and will have opportunities to
meet at school during our reading block!
WoOOoOT! I love how excited they
are! He’s another author who has liked,
commented and retweeted when I tagged him in a recent tweet. That’s one of my favorite parts of
Twitter. Who knew all of these amazing
authors would become such a large part of our classroom!? SO COOL.