The McGee
Whew! Time flies when you’re having fun…and we are having FUN! We have had a terrific start to our year and
I am having a ball getting to know your kids.
Reading and Writing is a TON of
We are reading The BFG by
Roald Dahl and enjoying every single moment.
I hope that your kids have talked about the book, the characters, and
the wonderful story. They are always
eager to hear another chapter!
Character Traits are an important
part of any good book. The characters we
meet are an important part of any good book. The characters we meet in The BFG are
no exception. As we read, we will keep
track of our thoughts and take notes about questions we may have, things we
want to share, or connections we have to characters or events in a story. In order to learn more about the characters
we encounter, we talk about them a lot!
We also learn about the character traits they have. In The BFG, we began by starting a
list of character traits for the two main characters Sophie and The BFG. We later expanded the list for general
character traits. Kids picked either
Sophie or The BFG and wrote about character traits they have noticed. They also illustrated a character in their
Reader’s Notebooks. Using what we had
discussed and the traits we had brainstormed, they then created their own character.
An illustration surrounded by descriptions and sentences about the
character is a wonderful place to collect your thoughts about characters you
are reading or writing about. I was wildly
impressed with their ideas, illustrations and interesting characters…it’s going to be fun reading the
stories they write using these new characters.
YahooooOoOO! J

I took a class last year that asked “Who is your favorite nonfiction writer?” and it was a question I didn’t have a very good answer for. I do now. I have spent the last several months investigating nonfiction books that will grab a young reader’s attention – even if, in the past, they haven’t been a huge fan of nonfiction. Steve Jenkins is one of those writers. He writes books that are informative, beautifully illustrated, and chocked full of fascinating information about a myriad of crazy cool animals. For example: Line up every kind of plant and animal on Earth, and one of every four will be a beetle. Seriously, that’s amazing and crazy information to learn, isn’t it? It’s ONE of the spectacular facts you will learn by reading the book The Beetle Book by Steve Jenkins. Another great nonfiction option is a series of books which explore the more grisly aspects of life during various moments in our history. Some titles include: You Wouldn’t Want to be An Egyptian Mummy, YWWTBA Roman Gladiator, YWWTBA Slave in Ancient Greece, YWWTBA Viking Explorer, YWWTBA American Colonist, YWWTBA Victorian Schoolchild, and You Wouldn’t Want to Sail On A 19th-Century Whaling Ship. To name only a few.
We will also spend time reading
our subscription to National Geographic Explorer. So much to learn from nonfiction this year!

Morning Messages

I LOVE THESE MESSAGES! This is an example of one of our messages from last week.
for the Answer

Spot Pair Share!
learned a new game last week called Poly Spot Pair Share. It’s a combination of a game I learned a long
time ago called Mix Pair Share. Using my
new POLY SPOTS, we created a fun way to learn, dance, chat and share ideas
about things we are learning about.
how it works:

Field Trips
826michigan! YahoOOo!
We will visit 826 on Friday, October 10th. We will take the city bus downtown and attend
the Strange Mysteries! Workshop. The
workshop is from 10-12. Permission slips
will be coming home soon!
presents…Strange Mysteries!
Skills taught: Overview of
mystery genre, including alibi, conflict/problem (what does the character want,
what will he or she do to get it), motive, clues, antagonist/protagonist,
writing persuasive argument based on evidence collected during the field trip.
Students arrive for the Storytelling and Bookmaking workshop only to be interrupted
by an emergency from the mysterious Dr. Blotch, crotchety editor and head of Blotch
Books. Students work with 826 volunteers to uncover a mystery and interrogate
suspects. Students collectively write the story of Dr. Blotch’s stolen_________,
and once the story reaches a climax point, students write individual arguments
(in the form of a letter) explaining why they think a certain suspect is
share their letters with the group for Dr. Blotch’s approval.
product: Each student leaves with a bound book containing the group’s mystery and
his or her individual solution.
King Arthur Flour is coming to
Arthur Flour will be here in January. YahOoOOO! This is an amazing opportunity for our
kids. This presentation will be for all
4th and 5th graders.
From their website: bake for good:
kids program…Bread baking is a fun way to apply math, science, and reading
comprehension to a real-life experience – just as the more than 120,000 students we’ve taught through our Bake
for Good: Kids program. In this FREE
Program, Kids in grades 4-7 LEARN to make bread from scratch. We provide the ingredients and the know-how
to get baking. Kids BAKE bread at home,
and take pride in both their new skills and the delicious results. Kids give back to the community and SHARE a
loaf of bread with a local organization, experiencing the joy and satisfaction
that come from helping others in their community.
Important Dates to Remember
October 1st: Picture Day and
Count Day
October 10th: Field Trip to
October 16th: Conference Night #1
November 4th: No School (report card writing/PD for teachers)
November 6th: Conference Night #2
November 10th: Conference Night #3
November 11th: Conference Night #4
November 12th: Report Cards Go Home
November 15th: Haisley Auction!
Recipes…yup, recipes!
I love
to cook and I love sharing good food with people. I thought I’d share a recipe in my
newsletters. Sharing good food helps
make the world a better place. Your kids
learn better when they eat well. That’s
one of the many reasons I bring new and unique food for them to eat throughout
the year. I think it’s important for
them to learn about good food and understand that eating well doesn’t have to
be scary or taste yucky. They LOVE cherry
tomatoes. They ate two large baskets of
RAW green beans too! The first recipe
I’d like to share with you is one my Grandma used to make when I was growing
up. It’s an easy and delicious way to enjoy
BBQ sauce, chicken and spaghetti! Enjoy!
serve with
chicken (or ribs!) and spaghetti
12 T Worcestershire
12 T vinegar
12 T brown sugar
1 t black pepper
2 t paprika
2 t mustard
1 t salt
3 cup ketchup
3 small onions,
1 green or red
pepper, sliced (optional)
small amount of water
if needed
• Bring above to a boil, pour over chicken or ribs.
• 2-3 pounds of chicken (I use skinless/boneless). Use your favorite chicken!
• Bake in covered dish for 1 ½ hours at 350˚.
I use my Le Creusét
which is really deep, so
is no risk of anything leaking!
• Remove chicken from sauce and brown chicken under broiler.
• Serve over spaghetti.
Ellen McGee •
Haisley Elementary School •
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