Monday, February 5, 2018

Biography Reports/Reading

YahOOooOoO!  We are reading about some incredible people in reading!  I love the choices they made and can’t wait for them to share their knowledge.  They voted to have a wax museum, dressing up as their character and have people chat with them to learn about them.  I am over the moon excited.  So are they.  I have encouraged them to start thinking about what they need for their costume.  I will do my best to help find items, so let me now if there’s something they need. 
Questions to ask:
Who did you pick?  Why?

What made them famous?  Tell me about their early life.  Tell me about their public life.  What do you admire about them?  Would you want to meet them?  Why or why not?  What interesting facts can you tell me about them?  (We are learning the difference between a fact and an INTERESTING fact)

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