Saturday, September 29, 2018

Our DOT DAY bulletin board is up and looks spectacular!  It’s on the bulletin board outside of the library which has another task for kids to dowrite your favorite book from summer reading. 


In 4th grade math we spent time learning about RAYS, POINTS, LINE SEGMENTS, LINES, RIGHT ANGLES, PARALLEL LINES, PERPENDICULAR LINES, INTERSECTING LINES, OBTUSE ANGLES, and ACUTE ANGLES.  The best part?  Ask them to SHOW you.  They have a slew of things to SHOW you using their arms (and voices!). 

In 5th grade, we continued to spend time learning about VOLUME.  There are so many great lessons that involve volume.  We were able to visualize a cubic yard, along with a cubic inch, foot and centimeter.  We even used a Sharpie marker on a floor tile to remind ourselves the difference between AREA and VOLUME. 

Our first Scholastic book order arrived!  It’s thrilling to get book orders!  Kids are SO excited to crack open their new books and are eager to see what our library will get on Monday.  The new books are being checked in and processed (by our amazing classroom library team) and will be available on Monday.  SO.  MANY.  BOOKS.  And, there’s more to come!  There is a second order on the way!

We are learning how to use sticky notes while we are reading.  We had a TON of fun practicing using them and sharing what we tagged.  Learning to slow down while reading is a big part of both 4th and 5th grades.  Sticky notes offers a way for kids to practice slowing down and writing about things they notice as they read.  I start this process early in the year because we will use them a LOT during our reading groups.  Graphic novels are very popular right now which is GREAT but they also tend to make kids read even faster.  This skill will especially benefit them as they read a graphic novel. 

Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary words are EVERYWHERE!  I had them tell me words they had been learning about in both PLTW and Math.  Kids were able to give a TON of words with very little effort.  When asked to give me words in the books they were reading, it was a lot harder.  When we took the time to really LOOK at the words we were reading, we found a lot of great words.  We read the book The Boy Who Loved Words and used STICKY NOTES for the first time.  Talk to your kids about words at home too.  Notice interesting words together.  It’s not always about unknown words, it can also be about words you think are interesting and want to use in our own writing.  WORDS are amazing!