Saturday, October 27, 2018


We are finishing our first book in our reading books (some will take a little longer as their first book was a lot longer than the rest of the books) and will start our next group this week.  We also read another nonfiction piece about Andy Warhol and spent time discussing the facts we learned and how we know it’s a nonfiction book vs a fiction book, despite their being facts. 

Reading groups are one of my favorite parts of my job.  There are so many ways to organize them, and I love mixing kids up, hearing what books they are reading and working on common skills.  Reading group books CAN and SHOULD come home.  Kids should be reading EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and their reading group book is a great thing for them to read.  It’s okay to have them read it out loud, or even for you to take turns reading it to one another.  If you have a more reluctant reader, this is often a great way for them to get interested in the book without using up all of their energy to read.  They can also do LEXIA at home.  If they can’t figure out how to do it (we will have a tutorial on Monday), let me know and we will get them some help.

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