Saturday, December 1, 2018

What Does our Classroom Look and sound like while we are learning?
We are working on what it looks like in the room when everyone is working possibly on different things.  There are times when I am teaching a group of kids, and everyone else is working on their own, in pairs, or small groups.  This has always been a part of my classroom, but with two grades, it definitely pops up more than it usually does.  This is hard.  For everyone.  Everyone is working on doing their own personal best.  No one should be telling others what to do, or how they should be doing it.  Here are some things we are doing: 
·      Moving around the room, not based on our seats, but based on where it’s best for us to learn. 
·      Having student ambassadors (experts) in a variety of subjects who are available to help others.
·      Writing expectations on the board.
·      Writing objectives and work to finish on the board.

Talk to your child about YOUR expectations too.  What do YOU expect from them?  Figure out strategies to help them asking for help, sitting closer to the teacher, using focus phones, etc.  All of these things can help kids do better during the school day. 

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