Sunday, December 9, 2018

Edward Tulane
Edward's life cycle.  Ask your kids why his name keeps changing!

You may have heard that I cried on Friday while reading to them.  I’m incapable of reading this book without crying in a few parts.  I loved the emotion from my kids too.  Some were crying, others were consoling, and everyone was emotional!  Edward, our main character, has made incredible changes over the course of the book.  Please talk to your kids about how Edward has changed.  What was he like when he was with Abeline?  What is he like now?  What happened to change him?  Where is he right now?  What is he doing?  Something REALLY big just happened (someone threw Edward and broke is head into a bunch of piecesand everything went black).  Have them make predictions about what will happen next!  We will do this this coming week.  Don’t forget to read to your kids!  It’s SUCH an important part of becoming a better reader!  It doesn’t matter WHAT you are reading, it just matters that you are READING.  Reading together is a fabulous way to hear what they know, what they are struggling with, and what they get excited about. 

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