Saturday, September 21, 2013

We are BUSY in room 306!  There's so much to do and so much to learn!  

Our science unit Nature's Recyclers offers many opportunities to observe our classroom worms.  So far, they are being cooperative and haven't tried to escape during the night.  Whew.  Our worms are small red worms and having them in our classroom, allow us to do many experiments throughout the unit.  In one lesson, we are asked to observe the worms, diagramming their bodies and describing, in detail, what they look like.  Our little red worms are great, but not ideal for this experiment.  Ms. Harris (the other 4th grade teacher) brought 18 genuine Canadian night crawlers for all of us to use in this lesson.  They are super big, and perfect for this lesson. Using our new scientific terms, we observed, discussed, illustrated and wrote journal entries about these fantastic creatures.  Please ask your kids about the experience and have them tell you what they observed.  

In math, we have finished Unit 1 and will begin Unit 2 on Monday.  We have reviewed lines, line segments, rays, obtuse angles, acute angles, polygons, quadrangles, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, intersecting lines, and SO much more!  We spent time using a compass - the perfect circle, as it turns out, is fun to create!  

We are learning to work with partners, on our own, and in a group.  In social studies, partners worked together to read about social scientists, and then designed hats to show what they had learned about the various scientists.  

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