Sunday, March 26, 2017

Flora and Ulysses

This is a fantastic book!  What’s it about?  A young girl named Flora and a squirrel.  Flora watched her neighbor accidentally vacuum up a squirrel with her new vacuum cleaner.  Flora saved the squirrel and is hoping it has acquired super powers because of the vacuum.  As it turns it, it may have.  The squirrel is unusually strong (he lifted the vacuum cleaner into the air with one paw to get food out of it)and he can TYPE.  Yup, type.  Here are some questions to ask your child about the book so far:
What is Flora like?  Would you like to be her friend?  Why or why not?
What do you know about Ulysses?
What does he think about?
What is Flora’s mother like?
Who/what is MaryAnn?

Make some predictions about this book.  What do you think will happen? 

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