Saturday, October 25, 2014

Spiral Multiplication…makingour own rules
This was an outstanding way to practice our multiplication facts.  They worked in teams of four and each team member was responsible for making one rule for the game.  No one could disagree with your rule and all rules MUST be followed for the duration of the game.  As I walked around the room, I heard and saw wonderful conversations between team members.  They worked well with one another and were having a great time practicing their facts and creating crazy, sneaky or difficult rules. 

Try playing it at home!  Here are the rules they created:
If you roll a 3, you lose a turn.  JaVonte
If you roll a 5, the next person loses a turn.  Shantell
If you get two 1s in a row, you get to choose the player you want to lose a turn.  Richie
You can choose to go two times in a row, but then you’d miss a turn.  You can only do this 3 times.  Miles
If you get a 6, you go back one space.   Jacob
If you get a 1, you get another turn.  Sandy/Collin
If you roll the same number that is on the card of the next player, you can bump them back two spaces.  Nico
If you roll a number that is next to each other in sequence, you must stay there.  The 4th time, you choose someone to go back a space.  Elise
If you get SNAKE EYES, you get to choose a player to move back five spaces.  Justin/Ella
If you roll a one, you go back a space.  Lexi
If you get one six, and the next turn you get another six, you can switch places with another player.  Arjun
If your card and the die has the same number, you get to go again.  Josef
If there is a card over six and you get a six on the die, you get to go again.  Annalise
If you get the question wrong, you go back one space.  Max
If you roll a five, you get to choose someone to go back a space.  Adam
If the answer to your multiplication problem is six, you get to move ahead six spaces.  Jane
If you get the answer wrong two times in a row, you must go back a space.  Drake
If you get a 50 in your answer, you move ahead five spaces.  Kristina
If 5 seconds go by and you didn’t answer, you were safe.  If you said the answer right away, but wrong, you moved back 2 spaces.  Aidan
If you roll the same number that is the card ahead of you, you get to switch places with someone.  Colin

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