Wednesday, September 23, 2015

We keep track of the books we read on a chart on the door.  It's so cool to see how many books we read by June!

I love to read.  This is evident when you look at our classroom library, or the collection of books I use when teaching (they are located in a bookshelf near my desk).  I have always loved to read, but that love increased when I began reading books out loud to my kids.  Listening to an entire group of children gasp, laugh, snicker, or even cry when reading a book is magical.  I love seeing them embrace a character and adore how they connect with things that are happening in the story.  When we read The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, they were able to constantly describe how Edward was changing.  The character traits he once had, and how the changes affected not only him, but everyone around him.  We have just begun to read Wonder.  This book is amazing and has become one of my favorite books of all time.  I encourage you to ask your kids about the books we are reading out loud, in reading groups (these will start this week!), and those they are reading on their own.  Ask them to describe characters.  Have them predict what they think will happen next.  Talking about books is an amazing way to help kids not only become better readers, but to learn lifelong skills about how to read and how important it is to understand what we are reading.  I read a lot of picture books too.  You are never too old to read a picture book!  So many valuable lessons come from picture books and we will read a LOT of them this year!  If there is a book your child is dying to read, but it proves too difficult, consider reading the book out loud.  You can also find a HUGE assortment of books on CD at the library, offering kids a chance to listen to books they may not otherwise be able to read..  I will do EVERYTHING I can to help your child not only become better readers but to LOVE reading in the process. 

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