Saturday, February 27, 2016

Biography Museum

Museums are fun to visit.  Why not create one in our classroom?  I put out a wide selection of Who Was books (I may need a 12 step program) for kids to look over.  They had 15 minutes to travel around the room checking out at least ten books.  They were asked to read the back of the book, look inside of the book, or read a sentence or two.  I also asked them to check out books about people they didn’t know, along with people who they were familiar with.  After 15 minutes, everyone sat down and I selected kids with my deck o’ cards (a class “deck” with everyone’s name on it) to choose the book they’d like to read.  There were 36 people to choose from (sets of six books each), so every kid was able to get their first choice.  The conversations they were having were fantastic.  “I’ve never heard of this guy.  I wonder what he did.”, “Who’s this?  Her outfit makes her look really important.”, “I read this book” (rattles off a ton o’ cool facts), and “I can’t wait to learn about her!”   

Stay tuned!  Up next:  Biography Reports!

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