Saturday, June 13, 2015

Pools, Pancakes, Books and Goodbyes

 The Oginsky Legacy...I have had the pleasure to have ALL of these amazing children in my class over the years.  When David was in my class (he was first!!), Josef was born a few weeks into our school year.  Now, David is graduating from Skyline High School and Josef graduated from my 4th grade class.  In between...David and Josef...Maria, Miriam and John (for third AND fourth!).  I will miss this family, but can't wait to see where they all land!  
 Germany is calling.  They want Sandy back.  She has made a lasting impression on SO many people here and I hope she comes back to visit (per Michigan law).  We will miss you!
 Best.  Gifts.  Ever. 
What an amazing year!  You have WONDERFUL kids and I love them ever so much!  I was lucky enough to be a part of their every day lives and I had a blast!  We did a LOT this year and I am so proud of each and every one of your children.  We had a wonderful time at the pool on Thursdaythe weather cooperated(ish) and they all had a great time.  The pancake breakfast was a BIG hitand totally DELICOIUS!  Thank you so much for all of your help.  MMmmmMMM! 
Thank you SO much for the amazing end of the year treasures.  I am in love with this book.  Your kids wrote amazing Student of the Day letters to me and will cherish them forever.  I hope you enjoyed Student of the Day as much as I did!  I love writing letters to them and enjoy (despite crying every single day!) reading YOUR wonderful letters too.  You are a fantastic group of people and I loved being a part of your world.  I will always be there for your kids!  For life!

Have an amazing summer!  Don’t forget to WRITE me! 

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