Monday, January 25, 2016

Poetry in Motion

We are working hard on getting EVERYONE up and sharing on Poetry Fridays.  J  They are writing such amazing poems and are really working on their presentation techniques.  We have quite a crew of rappers among us, and their rhymes are getting more complex and intricate.  We write about a variety of topics and are studying all kinds of poems.  If it were up to them, they would free-form all year long.  That’s a great thing they are EXCITED to have time to write poems.  In the coming weeks, we will be focusing on specific types of poems and they will need to write a poem following the rules of these poems.  At home, it’s always fun if YOU talk about what we are doing at school, so share YOUR favorite poems with them!  I memorized “Sick” by Shel Silverstein when I was in 4th grade.  Several years ago, I won a bunch of stuff at the Auto Show because I could still recite it.  Poetry pays off!  It was my very favorite poem and it’s fun to share all of his poems with your kids.  The illustrations they come up with for each poem are really great too.  So, to sum up, your kids are awesome. 

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