Friday, October 14, 2016

Math Games
One of the games we learned this week!

This isn't from a game, but it's an easy way to remember what a parentheses does!  

Often, we work on a journal page together.  This is a great way for kids to show what they know!

We play a lot of fun math games in room 306.  Games reinforce concepts we’ve learned, along with giving kids a chance to practice things they have just learned.  We also play games to practice things we’ve already learned, but need to work on continually (subtraction, for example!).  There are a TON of ways for kids to practice on the computer as well, but it’s really important for them to play games where they HOLD things in their hands.  Games where they WRITE numbers down on paper.  Games where they TAKE turns and interact with their classmates.  Jealous?  Don’t be!  You can play a lot of these games at home too!  They can really help your kids get that little extra bit of practice on a concept or strategy.  Three cheers for math games!

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