Saturday, October 1, 2016

Writer’s Workshop in room 306

Why is there a random picture of apples here?  Because we are eating SO many amazing pieces of fruit while learning.  Thanks to you, your kids are eating SO many great things during the day.  Apples, grapes, bananas, celery and clementines!  WOOOoT!

This is a photo they used to write about.  They could write a story, describe what they saw, asked questions...whatever they wanted!  The only rule:  WRITE THE ENTIRE TIME (15 minutes).  
We write EVERY SINGLE DAY.  We write in math, science, reading, morning messages, and writing!  J  Writing is difficult and involves such a wide variety of skills, we need to spend a lot of time honing our craft.  I try to mix it up and give them a variety of ways to write.  Sometimes we start with a photograph, other times, I’ll bring in objects.  Next week, we’ll use stuffed animals to write poems!  Brainstorming, writing without stopping, and sharing our work is what we are currently focusing on.  Reading your work out loud helps you to hear what you’ve actually written when you read things in our head, you often miss mistakes because your brain automatically fill in the mistakes. 

It’s easy to practice writing at home!  Write to one another on sticky notes, postcards or in a journal.  Practicing the writing craft will help them in every aspect of their writing abilities. 

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