Friday, October 28, 2016

Morning Meetings Continue to Unite the 4th Graders in Room 306!
YahoOoo! Responsive Classroom ROCKS!
Oh what fun we’re having!  I am so excited about our morning meetings.  We are having fun, but we are also doing a lot of community building and problem solving.  Our class motto: Be KIND, even to mean people, is something we discuss a lot.  Why might someone say a mean thing to you?  How your reaction can make things better, or worse.  We’ve also been talking about friendship a lot too.  How to be a great friend, what happens when friends fight, and learning what to do if we are having problems with our friends.  It’s important for kids to understand that all friends fight.  It’s what friends do.  We are learning strategies to talk to one another and help our friends when they are having a difficult time. 
OOoOoh how we love secret handshakes!

Here are some pictures of another round of SECRET HANDSHAKES and WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?  Two of my favorite things in the world to watch happen!  The app on my phone picks partners for Secret Handshake (no muss, no fuss) and EVERYONE has a FANTASTIC time creating a new handshake to share with the class.  What are you doing?  Is such a fun and silly game to play.  Make sure you ask your child how to play.  Trust me, you want to know how to play!  So.  Much.  Fun. 
Another fun round of WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?

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