Friday, October 14, 2016


Oh what fun we had!  STEM activities are one of my favorite things to do.  They accomplish a great many things in a short amount of time.  Today, we tried to build the tallest tower, using spaghetti, tape and string, to hold a single marshmallow at the top.  Now, as we began this activity, kids thought marshmallows were light.  Not by the end of the activity!  Marshmallows are SUPER DUPER HEAVY when you are trying to build a tall tower to hold it!  Some of the groups failed.  We talked about why failing isn’t the end of the world.  We talked about what they learned and what they’d do different the next time they were asked to build a tower.  In a few weeks, we will do this again.  Same groups, same materials, and hopefully better outcomes.  But, even if they fail AGAIN, it’s not for lack of trying.  What amazing teamwork!  These groups works SO well together!  I was so impressed with how they listened to each other and worked hard to make a tower in a short amount of time (25 minutes).  Bravo!

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