Saturday, February 4, 2017

Wonderit’s so WONDERful!

I wish everyone could hear our discussions.  They are so great.  One of my favorite comments was about getting to know Auggie’s BACK STORY.  This comment created AMAZING conversations about not only the back story of every character in Wonder, but our own back stories and how they impact who we are. The story has changed because we have now heard from other characters and their POINT OF VIEW sheds new light on things we heard when Auggie was telling the story.  This is one of my favorite parts about this book.  It’s such an interesting way to tell a story.  So far, we’ve heard from Auggie, his sister Via, and his two closest friends: Summer and Jack.  Other things we’ve noticed and discussed:  Some things aren’t always as they seem.  Ask them what happened with Jack Will.  We loved him.   Then we hated him.  Now, we love him again.  This sort of writing keeps kids on the edge of their seats when I’m reading.  I love it.  We are really getting to know the characters at this point.  We have a deeper understanding about who they are and how they impact Auggie's life.
We will be writing about Wonder a lot in the coming weeks.  There’s so much to discuss!  Truly, these conversations are magical.

Questions to ask them about Wonder:
Describe Auggie’s friendship with Summer.
Why did Auggie get so mad at Jack Will?  What does Jack REALLY think about Auggie?  Why does he want to be his friend? 
How does changing the point of view of the story change what you learn when reading?
Describe Summer’s back story.
Describe Via’s back story.
Describe Jack Will’s back story.

Look for a KINDNESS LOG to make its way home this week.  We will be keeping track of ways we are kind (big and small) for the next several weeks.  Kindness is much needed in our lives and I am eager to hear their ideas and watch them go out into the world and throw kindness like it’s confetti.  

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